How does it work?

Grow your business, increase sales and go international with BIIG Wheel.

The BIIG Wheel Pipeline Strategy

The needs of SMEs

Going international is a great opportunity for SMEs. However, to be successful internationally, they need support and guidance in the target market.

The needs of target countries / regions

Target countries and regions seek to improve and gain trusted business partners. The success is based on decentralization: successful SMEs and regions.

The BIIG Wheel Solution

We help to develop the USP of target regions by setting up regional value chains based on the available resources, and by filling the gaps in the value chain with SMEs we create win-win solutions for the region and the companies.

BIIG Wheel Assistance What BIIG WHEEL offers....

We assist and escort target regions in creating sustainable success.
We provide general advice for regional development.
We use our Pipeline Strategy to improve the target country / region.
We help set up competence centres and regional cluster organizations to create local value chains based on local resources.
We offer finance connections, legal assistance and general advice for SMEs and regional development
We create business opportunities for SMEs in more than 80 countries.
We help SMEs enter the target market and to realize business opportunities there by assisting and escorting them.
We offer them all services a company needs to step into the foreign market successfully.
We offer matching partners, technologies, finance and capitalize business momentum.
We qualify managers and staff in the target region on modern technologies and business methods.
We seek out and provide human resources for SMEs.
We provide advice through our experts team in a wide range of technologies and business fields.

The Pipeline Strategy

Start: Expert Visit

We start by sending an expert on regional development to the target region to analyze USP potential as the basis for business opportunities. Later our Country Manager will be responsible for it. Currently, BIIG Wheel covers more than 80 countries.

Expert Workshop

BIIG Wheel provides experts in order to set up an “Experts’ Workshop”. Over the past years, this has allowed us to engage many splendid experts who took part in our workshops and created challenge lists for the regions to develop.

Competence Center Visit

Competence Centers (CC) are focused on a specific topic. They consist of region-specific basic units, e.g., education, incubator (start-up support), cooperation offices, worker space, housing, research, and production facilities for SMEs.

Virtual Market Place Entry

We fill the BIIG Wheel Virtual Market Place (VMP) with offers (e.g., from the challenge list) of the target region to enable matching. The VMP supports BIIG Wheel management and CM in matching and business development and is based on a company database and 12 business segments.

Connection to our Strategic Partners

Our VMP offers information about business opportunities and projects to solution providers (e.g., companies, institutes) who might be interested. The Strategic Partners are the primarily addressed potential solution providers.

Your worldwide promotion

We organize seminars in Germany about the target region and its business opportunities. We organize delegation trips of solution providers to the target region focusing on potential customers and projects there.

Matching Process Assistance

BIIG Wheel generates regional partnerships to create business opportunities in the target region. After finding these opportunities (Solution Seekers), we offer them to companies & experts who might be interested in them (Solution Providers).


We help to turn business opportunities into successful business!

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    The information you share with us help us to better understand your needs and make a perfect match with other solution seekers and providers. Please share as many details as you are comfortable with, and you think are relevant. We promise to store your information securely!